Managing Partner is a comprehensive and secure client-server based multi-user practice management system for attorneys and other professionals. It focuses on the automation of core management functions that when performed manually occupy a disproportionate amount of time which could otherwise be spent rendering professional services. It is developed, published, and directly supported by practicing attorneys.
Managing Partner integrates the management of case files, clients, and all other associated persons; provides time and task management by integrating reminders, work assignments, appointments, and the allocation of shared resources; integrates the management and retrieval of document files created by other software applications with the management of case files and the flow of work within a firm; performs business, trust, and tax accounting, including printing laser checks and generating self-configuring income statements; records professional time and manages client billing; and directly enhances current work by centrally storing, retrieving and assembling reusable work product.
Managing Partner fully exploits the OS X user interface. Pop-up menus dynamically linked to previously entered data, command buttons that appear on screen or transform to enable only appropriate functions, intelligently computed defaults that can be edited or replaced, and rigorous data validations both during and after entry, help ensure accurate, efficient, and consistent entries without the need to remember obscure codes or commands, and with a minimum of typing. Built in intelligence constantly watches as users work, alerting them to errors, and offering coherent and appropriate explanations that often suggest corrective action.
Managing Partner is a single software application with features organized into logical feature sets accessed through a hierarchy of alternative menu bars. It is suitable for both single and multiple user installations, and provides access security based upon a multi-tiered user hierarchy with password protection. When used in a multi-user installation, it utilizes a true client-server architecture that does not rely upon shared access to data files stored on a network file server.
Main Feature Sets
Case File Management
- Supports Unlimited Main and Related Sub-Case Files
- Manages All Types of Case Files, Whether or Not Litigated
- Stores Both Short and Long Versions of Case File Names
- Extracts Names of Defendants and Purchasers Automatically
- Incorporates Automatic and Flexible Case File Numbering
- Identifies and Sorts Case Files by User Defined Types
- Specifies the Billing Method for Each Case File
- Associates Up To Three Users with Each Case File
- Incorporates Nine Custom Fields for Storing Special Data
- Lists Persons Linked to a Case File on Enter Case File View
Person Management
- Links All Clients and Other Persons with Related Case Files
- Links an Unlimited Number of Persons to Each Case File
- Links an Unlimited Number of Case Files to Each Person
- Lists Case Files Linked to a Person on Enter Person View
- Identifies the Relationship of Persons to Each Case File
- Identifies Both Present and Former Clients
- Stores Work, Home, Facsimile, and Mobile Telephone Numbers and Electronic Mail Addresses for Each Person
- Incorporates Nine Custom Fields for Storing Special Data
- Creates Unique Mnemonic Person Code Automatically
Task and Calendar Management
- Links Unlimited Tasks with Each Related Case File
- Categorizes Tasks Automatically as Unscheduled Thing to Do, Timed Reminder, Work Assignment, or Appointment
- Organizes Tasks by User Defined Task Type and Dynamically Reassignable Task Type Group
- Allows Extensive Configuration of Task Types Including Automatic Calculation of Default Date and Time Due
- Calculates Date and Time Due and Task Duration Using Date and Time Calculators Incorporated into Task Entry Views
- Computes Status and Days Remaining Until Task is Due
- Allocates Shared Resources Used in Completing Tasks
- Prevents Scheduling Conflicts of Users and Resources
- Reconfigures Task Entry Views Dynamically and Automatically Based Upon Task Type and Data Entered
- Queries User when Current Task is Completed and Based Upon Answer Suggests User Defined Alternative Next Tasks
- Serves as the Command and Control Center for the Firm
- Permits the Assignment and Reassignment of Tasks
- Maintains an Audit Log of Each Entry or Modification
- Offers Both List and Calendar Views of Tasks
- Lists Externally Stored Computer Documents Linked to a Task on Task Entry Views
Document Management
- Links an Unlimited Number of Externally Stored Computer Document Files with Related Tasks and Related Case Files
- Organizes Documents by User Defined Document Type and Dynamically Reassignable Document Type Group
- Opens Document Files by Automatically Launching the Application which Created the Document File
- Opens, Moves, or Copies Document Files Stored on Any Storage Device Accessible to the Users Workstation
- Stores and Indexes Scrolling Descriptions of Document Files
- Displays Document Icon and Stores Document File Name and Path and Document Creation and Modification Dates
Document Drafting
- Stores Document Elements That Can be Linked Forming Prototype Documents that are Exported for Completion
- Modifies Prototype Documents When Elements are Modified
- Permits Optimized Searches for Words in Document Elements
- Organizes Prototype Documents by User Defined Type and Dynamically Reassignable Document Type Group
Time and Billing {Version 10}
- Stores Detailed Time and Expense Records Including Narrative Descriptions of Professional Services Rendered
- Includes Timers to Track Time Spent Rendering Services
- Permits Each Time Record for Services to Include a Different Billable Rate and Both a Preliminary and Edited Time Entry
- Allows Billable and Non-Billable Time to be Apportioned for Each Time Record and The Fee Charged to be Adjusted
- Designates a Billing Method for Each Case File and a Default Billing Method for Each Case File Type
- Records Payments as Expenses Incurred for a Specified Case File and Allows Payments to be Charged to Multiple Case Files
- Records Unpaid Expenses and Outstanding Liens
- Allows Bills for Services Rendered and Expenses to be Sent to An Unlimited Number of Persons
- Pays Bill In Full Or In Part by Drawing Trust Bank Account Checks Against Funds On Deposit In Trust Client Accounts
Business Accounting
- Manages Hundreds of Simultaneously Open Business Bank Accounts and Unlimited Closed Bank Accounts
- Organizes Payments by User Specified Payment Types
- Apportions Multiple Type Business Checks Among Unlimited Sub-Checks of Differing Payment Types
- Identifies the Tax Deductibility of Each Payment
- Automates Regular Payments to Recurring Payees
- Restricts Staff Level Users to Payments of Limited Types to Recurring Payees Listed on Pop-up Menus
- Provides Fields for Reference Memos and Comments
- Records Electronic Funds Transfers and Bank Charges
- Prints Laser Checks Individually or in Batches
- Displays Check Views Resembling Printed Checks
- Records and Displays Name of User who Entered or Last Modified Check to Encourage User Accountability
- Reconciles Account Records with Bank Statements
- Calculates Both Current Balance and Assumed Collected Balance of Each Bank Account
- Maintains Current Balance in Two Independent Ways
- Prevents Drawing Checks Exceeding Current Balance
- Warns User if Check is Being Drawn Exceeding Assumed Collected Balance of Bank Account
- Differentiates Checks Related to an Ancillary Division
Business Financial Reporting
- Computes Self Configuring Income Statements Patterned After the Structure of an Income Tax Return
- Compiles Income Statements for any Specified Date Range from Original Transaction Records at Any Time
- Annualizes Income and Expense Totals Reported on Income Statement to Facilitate Business Planning
- Prorates Tax Deductions by the Tax Deductible Percentage Specified for Each Business Payment Type
- Eliminates Traditional General Ledger Accounts and Periodic Posting of Transactions to those Accounts
- Eliminates Establishment of Any Accounting Periods
- Reduces the Need for Financial Accounting Services by Automatically Compiling Routine Accounting Data
- Employs Standard Data Views for Specialized Financial Reporting Utilizing Powerful Queries
Trust Accounting
- Includes All Relevant and Appropriate Features of the Business Accounting Feature Set
- Permits an Unlimited Number of Trust Client Accounts to be Created Within Each Trust Bank Account
- Permits an Unlimited Number of Case Files to be Linked to and Draw From Each Trust Client Account
- Links Sub-Case Files Automatically to the Same Trust Client Account as the Related Main Case File
- Reconciles Trust Bank Account Balances and the Total of the Balances of Contained Trust Client Accounts
- Prevents Drawing Checks Exceeding the Current Balance of the Trust Client Account
- Prevents Drawing Checks Exceeding the Collected Balance of the Trust Client Account if so Configured
- Deposits Specified Types of Trust Account Checks into Business Bank Accounts Automatically
Special Features
- Exploits the OS X User Interface Fully
- Validates Data Automatically During and After Entry
- Provides Active Assistance During Use Alerting Users to Errors and Offering Appropriate Explanations
- Opens Entry Views Displaying Individual Records when Records on List Views are Double-clicked
- Displays Multiple Views of Data Simultaneously
- Updates All Views Immediately if Data is Changed
- Utilizes Independent Entry and Display Formats
- Avoids Cryptic Codes and Complex Procedures
- Computes Defaults Intelligently and Automatically
- Allows Customizing of Defaults and Pop-up Menus
- Includes Flexible and Powerful Search Queries for Information Retrieval and Interactive Data Analysis
- Utilizes Standard Entry and List Views as Reports Permitting Convenient Analysis of All Stored Data
- Stores up to 32,500 Characters in Comment Fields
- Offers Multiple Levels of Password Protection
- Controls Access Using a Multi-Tiered User Hierarchy
- Supports Both Single and Multiple User Installations
- Utilizes a True Client-Server Multi-User Architecture
- Requires No Additional Networking Software
- Employs Multithreading for More Efficient Processing
System Requirements
A Macintosh® computer with an Intel® processor running of OS X version 10.5 or higher. A full page or larger monitor is recommended.
Managing Partner runs on the Helix® family of products published by QSA ToolWorks, L.L.C.. The Helix Engine used to run Managing Partner in single user mode is included with Managing Partner. The Helix Client and Helix Server applications are required to run Managing Partner in multiple user mode. Licenses for these Helix applications are available with the payment of additional fees based upon the number of Helix Client workstations.
L-59 Executive Mews
1930 Route 70 East
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-4201
Voice: 856-424-2100
Adept Data Systems, L.L.C. Reception Area